Ethics is at the heart of clinical practice and is central to what we do as healthcare practitioners. Clinical Ethics aims to enable an understanding and exploration of how values underpin decision making, and the complexity of the ethical issues we deal with. The SESLHD Clinical Ethics Service assists practitioners and organisations in identifying, analysing, and resolving ethical issues that arise in day to day practice.

This Clinical Ethics eSimulation engages you, as the clinician, with some of the common ethical issues arising in practice. The use of online simulated learning is one way of safely developing clinical ethics capacity in large numbers of learners when access to specialist consultation and training are limited. The interactive multimedia format is underpinned theoretically by the five attributes of ‘simulation’ identified by Bland et al. (2011), and ‘situated learning’ theory posited by Lave and Wenger (1991).

The Clinical Ethics scenarios are driven by diagnostic or clinical management-related tension, where you will encounter degrees of challenge and crisis, and make decisions based upon options for care and management. You are also are afforded opportunities to reflect upon responses to decisions you make about the care.

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Clinical Ethics Scenarios

This learning package has three clinical ethics scenarios exploring the topics of
‘Consent’, ‘End of Life’, and ‘Risk to the Fetus’.


This eSimulation learning package on the subject of Consent is designed to help you understand these issues in relation to a case study involving Jack, who is brought to hospital by his daughter.

End of Life

This eSimulation learning package exploring End of Life is designed to help you understand these issues in relation to a case study involving Harry, who is admitted to hospital.

Risks to the Fetus

This eSimulation learning package exploring Risks to the Fetus is designed to help you understand these issues in relation to a case study involving Karin, who is attending antenatal appointments.

We hope you find this learning package both informative and enjoyable. If you have any
feedback regarding any aspect of the learning package, we would love to hear from you.
Please use the form below to reach out to the Ethics team involved in producing this resource

More information and resources related to clinical ethics available here.

About this eSimulation Resource

This resource was produced by a direct grant from the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation. We would like to thank them for their commitment to making this complex and engaging exploration of ethics within the hospital environment possible.

Please also free to contact any members of the development team, should you have any inquiries about this learning package:

  • Dr Scott Lamont – educational methodology, content and design:
  • Dr Linda Sheahan – clinical ethics content and support:
  • Dr Giles Yates – educational content:
  • Dr Debra Kennedy – educational content (Risk to the Fetus): Debra
  • Don Francis from Inky Smudge – multimedia production, interactivity and web construction:

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