Karin's options
Karin is referred to the maternal fetal medicine team
View more of Karin’s story below.
After these discussions Karin and Peter eventually make the decision to commence chemotherapy and to continue the pregnancy, as it is a ‘much wanted pregnancy’ and there exists some reassuring data about chemotherapy after the first trimester.
The question arises as to whether to modify the standard chemotherapy regimen to minimise the risk to the fetus.
What do you think should be done considering the competing interests and priorities?
In the following video Dr Debra Kennedy, Geneticist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist from the Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, discusses how to consider fetal risk when treating a significant maternal illness.
Dr Debra Kennedy
“How do you evaluate the potential risks to the fetus when treating a significant maternal illness?”
Now take the following short quiz on some of the ethical challenges present in this case
In the following videos Dr Debra Kennedy, Geneticist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist from the Sydney Royal Hospital for Women discusses the issues of fertility preservation, and potential under-treatment of pregnant women on fetal safety grounds.
Dr Debra Kennedy
“How do you present options for fertility preservation when there is a risk of infertility following chemotherapy during pregnancy?”
Dr Debra Kennedy
“How do you evaluate the risks of under-treating the mother on ‘fetal-safety grounds’, and the potential for iatrogenic harm to the fetus?”