guardianship for Jack
| PART 3 |
Temporary guardianship for Jack
A guardianship application is required before proceeding with Jack’s treatment
Before moving on to the outcome of the guardianship application, let’s explore some common guardianship myths which arise in clinical practice.
Mouseover each of the myths below to reveal a response.
Urgent guardianship orders for consent to treatment can in fact be given over the phone, with documentation subsequently faxed at earliest convenience. Awaiting any subsequent hearing does not delay treatment if provided in a patient’s ‘best interests’, although like any treatment, this claim may be contested and must be justifiable.
Although an application is generally requested by a member of the treating medical team, any person with an interest in the welfare of the patient can make an application for a guardianship order. This includes any member of the multi-disciplinary team.
Temporary guardianship orders for consent to medical or dental treatment can be given for periods up to as little as one week.
The NCAT Guardianship Division is available over the phone 24/7 to discuss urgent issues.
(02) 9556 7600 or 1300 006 228.
Urgent decisions regarding consent to medical or dental treatment are expedited.
Both these statutes legislate for different aspects of a person’s care and wellbeing, therefore the application of one does not preclude application of the other.
Duty of care is NOT a coercive framework and it does NOT provide an excuse to do anything to a patient that would otherwise be unlawful, such as unwanted touching or detaining against a patient’s will. Thus, duty of care is not an alternative to guardianship.
Guardians with a ‘health care’ function may request treatment on behalf of the person, but they have no more right than anyone else to demand healthcare treatment.
Jack’s discharge
Find out how Jack’s story finishes up.