Determining Harry's
goals and values

Determining Harry’s goals and values

View more of Harry’s story below to see what his options and concerns are.

Harry considers his options and discusses his concerns with his doctors and his daughter. He makes it clear that his priority is quality of life, and the goal is to be able to walk and remain independent. He decides to go ahead with surgery in the hope that he may be able to continue going to the golf club and spend some time in his garden.

Harry says: “Whatever happens after surgery, I do not want to end up in a nursing home, and if things are looking bad you should just call it quits.”

Assessing Goals and Values

Harry’s decision is based on what may help him achieve his quality of life goals, and what is important to him. Can you identify which of the following things Harry has explicitly identified as important to him?
(choose as many as do apply)

Now watch the following videos discussing how a patient’s specific goals and values guide decision making. Professor Ian Kerridge from Sydney Health Ethics considers this from an ethics perspective, and Dr Jan Maree Davis from SESLHD Palliative Care explores this from the specialist Palliative Care perspective.

Prof Ian Kerridge

“From an ethics perspective, how do a person’s goals and values relate to healthcare decision making?”

Dr Jan Maree Davis

“From the palliative care perspective, how do a person’s goals and values relate to decision making?
Do people’s preferences and wishes change as they approach end of life?”